Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Acne Blemishes

Are you a sufferer? Come on, all of you out there who feel afflicted, go ahead and raise your hand. You surely know what I'm referring to. You can't help but wince at it every time you glance in the mirror. Yep, it's all about the acne and blemishes. You want to just obliterate them into oblivion, don't you? I mean, why in the heck did they have to take up residence on your face anyway? You certainly didn't invite them here. Well, don't get too bent out of shape. Sure there are folks out there with flawless complexions, who tend to get you down. But, the good news is that you can say bye bye to those irksome acne and blemishes once and for all with the proper skin care system. Get that complexion you're so envious of. It's time to stop dealing with the battles and start winning the war. What comes to mind when you hear the terms acne and blemishes? Do you picture a pizza faced boy from your high school class? Or maybe your personal affliction with acne and blemishes comes to mind. The truth is the majority of us human beings are afflicted with this skin disorder and nothing is going to change that. It basically comes down to how you care for your skin. What are you currently using to battle those nasty acne and blemishes, and keep them in check? You want them to vanish and not leave any confidence-breaking aftermath behind. Well don't just sit there and ponder how great it would be to be acne-free. Get up and do something about it. Your first notion may be to see the local dermatologist. This is a great way to assess your situation. Find out what level of acne and blemishes you're grappling with. Most likely the doctor will offer you a prescription for one of those new-age acne treatments. Differin is a major one now days. It's a topical cream that's smeared on the face in order to battle bacteria and keep new acne from forming. Furthermore, if your acne and blemishes are too far out of hand, you can also acquire an oral prescription. This will aid you in the battle against ruthless pimples and zits. And don't forget to jump online and see all there is to offer. A number of acne treatment kits are available in cyberspace, and need no prescription. Possibly one of these remedies would be choice for waging war on your acne and blemishes.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Adolescence was a hard time for me. My health was very poor, but no one noticed, because the whole time, other terrible things were going on. My family was broke most of the time, and moved from one home to another, without barely stopping at all. On top of that, my grandfather was dying, and my grandfather was quite senile. And school was awful. I had the worst acne, no matter how much acne cleanser I put on my face. It was hard for me to even look at myself, with all of the pocks diving deep into my skin. And since then, I have been wondering how to get rid of acne scars.
Getting rid of acne scars is often a complicated and expensive process, and frankly, I just do not have the money. My acne was terrible in high school – deep, and textured, and unresponsive to any treatment I used, even when my parents scraped together some funds to take me to the doctor. Now, I am better off than I was then, but no one can tell me how to get rid of acne scars without complex and outrageously expensive, repeated procedures.
One of the most common methods of how to get rid of acne scars is through laser resurfacing, which sounds kind of cool and high tech, but also scary, and expensive as all hell. I mean, I am not made of money here. I'd like to know how to get rid of acne scars without spending 3000 dollars each visit, possibly for several visits in a row, but there just seems to be no way. I do not want to do the laser surfacing, but everything that I've read about how to get rid of acne scars says that many of the other methods are even more complicated and expensive.
Some people say that chemical peels are how to get rid of acne scars, and these look like simple and inexpensive treatments. I bought one the other day, and it seemed to improve my skin generally, but it wasn't really how to get rid of acne scars. They are still there, deep pits in my otherwise beautiful face, although I think that they now look a little shallower. Really, though, the idea of peeling my skin off multiple times sounds quite dangerous and unappealing. Even if it is how to get rid of acne scars, I don't know if I want any part of it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Acne Scare Treatment

Puberty is probably one of the most difficult times in our lives. It's that phase when we're struggling to identify ourselves and develop into a solid individual. Oh, and then there's the acne. A high percentage of males and females grapple with the pangs of acne at some point in their lives. This affliction typically comes full-on when we hit our teen years. One day you have a flawless complexion, and the next you're being called pizza face. What's the deal with that? Where did this horrific confidence-killer come from? Well, regardless of where it originated, the fact is you have it. Hopefully by the time you hit your twenties, the pimple dilemma will have subsided. However, what about the aftermath? Sometimes there are battle scars left behind. You certainly don't want to wear these acne remnants as badges of honor. It's time for some serious acne scar treatments.
Although acne assaults the best of us, we can fight back if we acquire the right ammo. You want to be sure to take good care of your skin at all times. Once that dreadful acne hits, you need to get your butt in gear and figure out the best treatment/solution. Fight that burden every step of the way. This is one of the best acne scar treatments. Prevention is ideal. However, many individuals who have suffered from bouts with blemishes need more contemporary acne scar treatments to get back their beautiful complexion. Well, if you're looking for some of the more simple home-based acne scar treatments, you shouldn't have to look further than the local drug store. There are exfoliants and creams available that work effectively as acne scar treatments. The key is finding the right ones. You want to be sure to shop for products that coincide with your particular skin type. This way you will receive the best results regarding your acne aftermath.
One of the more popular acne scar treatments these days is microderm abrasion. This is basically a re-surfacing of the skin. While you can buy over-the-counter kits to perform this process at home, you may want to consult a professional for better results. Microderm abrasion is a treatment that virtually sloughs off those outer layers of dead skin to reveal a much younger and smoother fresh layer of skin. No matter what you're looking for, there are surely acne scar treatments available to suit your personal needs.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Acne Cleanser

It seems like every acne cleanser promises a miracle cure, but few of them really deliver. I have suffered from acne for years, and even though I have cut down to just one fast food meal a day, each acne cleanser I try does little or nothing for my problem. Some times they dry out my face so much that they only make the problem worse, and then I have to eat extra greasy food just to compensate, and rehydrate my face. I swear, my arteries just can not stand too many more of these acne cleansers!
When you are shopping for an acne cleanser, you should keep a few things in mind. One of them – the most important in my opinion, is that modern science has still not developed an effective cure for acne. Trust me, I know. My face is so pocked with craters, that I occasionally get mistaken for the man in the moon. There are some acne cleansers that can help you more than other, but they are few and far between. The upshot of all of this is that it is a bad idea to pay too much for an acne cleanser. Why pay through the nose for something that will not even work barely at all. That is a very stupid idea, as far as I am concerned. Aren't there other things which you would rather spend your money on?
Honestly, I have tried basically every acne cleanser known to man, from the most complex and new-fangled concoctions, to the simplest or most back to basic. Of all of them, my favorite acne cleanser is just good old witch hazel. It is a natural astringent, and quite similar to rubbing alcohol in its effects, but because it is all natural, it is much more gentle on your skin. Although my zits have never been completely cured by this acne cleanser, it has not made my skin peel the way many of the other ones have, and overall, I would say that it has made some improvements to my health and beauty. Another thing that helps is some mild soap, especially if it is specially formulated acne cleanser soap. Acne is a type of skin irritation, and so conventional soap that further irritates your face can really exacerbate your acne problems. Trust me, all natural is better with everything that you can put on your face if you are dealing with acne.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Acne Alternative

There are myriad acne alternative treatments being sold today, all purport to clear up your skin pronto. Many websites a full of pages of testimonials from people who have used the treatments and been cured. And some of them have been. The trouble is that an acne alternative that works for one doesn't work for another. No matter what the claims of the various people who sell skin care products, facials, and nutritional regimens to clear up your skin, nobody knows until a particular treatment is tried on an individual whether it's going to do much good. Unfortunately, that means for most of us, it's hit or miss.
Once you've gotten fed up with the antibiotics, topical treatments and Accutane offered by your dermatologist, where do you begin? Or, maybe you never wanted to go that route in the first place. Whatever drove you to seek a nontraditional acne alternative, you have to begin somewhere.
First, consult widely. Chances are very good that you know several people who have had acne and cleared it up or who have it now and are in the process of clearing it up. Learn from their experience. Take notes. Then try some of the things that have worked for them. Hope for the best, but realize that it might take some time before you hit on the combination of products, treatments and lifestyle changes that will help you the most.
Another thing is that some acne alternative products containing the same basic ingredients vary greatly in price. Learn what the active ingredients are in products and try the less expensive versions of them before you pay for the more costly ones.
It's also a great idea to seek the help of professionals. Naturopaths have regiments of vitamins, herbs and gentle cleansers that can work wonders. The very expensive prescription medicine Accutane is actually derived from plain old Vitamin A, and under a naturopath's care, you can take high doses of Vitamin A for predetermined periods, along with other vitamins and herbs and potentially clear up your skin without the side effects of Accutane, which, if you are female, can include birth defects in your children should become pregnant while taking the drug.
A promising acne alternative is light therapy. For many, acne is cleared up with the application of red and blue ultraviolet light for a set amount of time each day. It's possible to purchase a device online that safely emits this type of light. They cost in the range of $200. This is a less expensive alternative to try before going to an esthetician who has similar, more powerful equipment.
The truth is it's likely to take some time before you find what works for you. The trick is to not give up. Keep trying until you find your solution.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Acne Alternative Teaments

There are myriad acne alternative treatments being sold today, all purport to clear up your skin pronto. Many websites a full of pages of testimonials from people who have used the treatments and been cured. And some of them have been. The trouble is that an acne alternative that works for one doesn't work for another. No matter what the claims of the various people who sell skin care products, facials, and nutritional regimens to clear up your skin, nobody knows until a particular treatment is tried on an individual whether it's going to do much good. Unfortunately, that means for most of us, it's hit or miss.
Once you've gotten fed up with the antibiotics, topical treatments and Accutane offered by your dermatologist, where do you begin? Or, maybe you never wanted to go that route in the first place. Whatever drove you to seek a nontraditional acne alternative, you have to begin somewhere.
First, consult widely. Chances are very good that you know several people who have had acne and cleared it up or who have it now and are in the process of clearing it up. Learn from their experience. Take notes. Then try some of the things that have worked for them. Hope for the best, but realize that it might take some time before you hit on the combination of products, treatments and lifestyle changes that will help you the most.
Another thing is that some acne alternative products containing the same basic ingredients vary greatly in price. Learn what the active ingredients are in products and try the less expensive versions of them before you pay for the more costly ones.
It's also a great idea to seek the help of professionals. Naturopaths have regiments of vitamins, herbs and gentle cleansers that can work wonders. The very expensive prescription medicine Accutane is actually derived from plain old Vitamin A, and under a naturopath's care, you can take high doses of Vitamin A for predetermined periods, along with other vitamins and herbs and potentially clear up your skin without the side effects of Accutane, which, if you are female, can include birth defects in your children should become pregnant while taking the drug.
A promising acne alternative is light therapy. For many, acne is cleared up with the application of red and blue ultraviolet light for a set amount of time each day. It's possible to purchase a device online that safely emits this type of light. They cost in the range of $200. This is a less expensive alternative to try before going to an esthetician who has similar, more powerful equipment.
The truth is it's likely to take some time before you find what works for you. The trick is to not give up. Keep trying until you find your solution.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Hi , Well today I have my own personal little story to tell you . I started playing around with websites about 3 years ago not knowing a thing about how to get a computer to even start !! But there has always been something driving me and that is the belief that I would be able to share me thoughts with the world and also be able to make a living while I continued to Travel. As it has turned out Im not making any money from my online adventures , well let me say that I hadn't made any money from selling my poetry and decided about 3 months ago to share it for free because what good is it stuck in my head , at least once I get it out I can work on the next one or on improving what is written. Well out of this decision to give my poetry free and allow others to share there articles and poetry with others also , I have actually started to generate a large interest in my site :) and decided to sell advertising on my site for an income :) WHICH IS WORKING ! :) :) :) . I have for so long now followed the instructions of so called gurus in the internet marketing world , to try and crack the search engines and become listed on there front page . BOY not an easy mission But every morning I still woke up and jumped on line to see how I was doing . always to see that i was still present but not gaining any spots. WELL since i have been publishing others articles on inspiration and poems it has created a lot more pages on my site, and it would seem that yahoo and msn have started to index me , if you write in poems of inspiration on msn Im number 1 out of about 1,000,000 site also for help with poems Number 1 MSN now today Yahoo gave me the lovely stop of number 1 for Inspirational storys (with a y) and im am finding daily that im getting more number 1 spots , basically finally all the link work and pages must have made an impression on someone because I know it couldn't have been my spelling ;) hahaha anyway Im very very happy today and just wanted to share this inspiration with who ever has decided to read it . Also I have posted links to most of my websites pages on this blog so you can find nearly anything inspirational you want hopefully ... And please excuse the site , as i am not a internet designer i find it hard to create a stunning looking site , but hopefully as today I have made my most ever from the site things keep going that way and I will be able to pay a designer to make me some nice templates to use , so I can provide a profession looking site of inspiration soon ,, also let it be known ,, I am intending on becoming number one in the world for inspiration on msn and yahoo , and then one day google although google doesn't seem to like me too much not sure why but at the moment im on about page 445 for poems of inspiration ,, maybe its the site layout .. anyway that's my story for today its 4.44 pm Wednesday March 1st 2006 and I hope you are all well wherever and whoever you are . Smiles always.... Roc


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